A sweet fringe of young verdure and opening flowers bloomed in the sunshine under the hot wall of the factory . 一溜可人的青翠草木和盛开的花卉在暖洋洋的厂墙根的阳光里争奇斗妍。
Abstract : the first china - made forge - welded hot wall hydrogenation reactor has safely operated for 10 years and the equipment is found to be in good condition of integrity after several inspections in service 文摘:我国自行研制的首台国产化锻焊结构热壁加氢反应器已安全运行10年,此间经几次在役检验,设备状况完好。
These show the progress and development in the ten years in the domain of hot wall hydrogenation reactor technology and fully reflect the solid foundation and strength for developing such technology in china 表明了我国热壁加氢反应器技术十几年来的进步与发展,并充分体现了我国在开发该项技术方面具有的坚实基础及实力。